Derek from back double bicep pose

4 Exercises To Add To Your Routine For A BIG BACK

This is a back workout from a couple years ago that I dug up.

? Exercise 1: Seated Lat Pulldown (targets lats and back width)
* Do 10-12 reps
* Do 4 sets and go to failure on the last set (as many reps as you can do)

? Exercise 2: Chest Supported Lying T-Bar Row (targets lats, rear delts, and overall back thickness)
* Do 10-12 reps
* Do 4 sets and go to failure on the last set (as many reps as you can do)

? Exercise 3: Standing Cable Lat Pullover (targets lats and back width)
* Do 10-12 reps
* Do 4 sets and go to failure on the last set (as many reps as you can do)

? Exercise 4: Close Grip Seated Cable Row (back thickness)
* Do 10-12 reps
* Do 4 sets and go to failure on the last set (as many reps as you can do)
* Focus on a full extension/stretch and contraction, as well as consciously keeping your scapula retracted on these to fully activate the target muscles

Music Credit:

Asmodai – Nightmare

Check out the artist's pages here:


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After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too.


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