ACP-105 SARM Overview – What To Expect (Based On Clinical Studies)

What Is ACP-105?

ACP-105 is another non-steroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM).

Acadia (the company that produced this SARM) proposes that ACP-105 is as potent as Testosterone in in vitro assays without interaction at other hormone receptors. In addition, ACP-105 demonstrates potent anabolic effects on muscle and bone with minimal effect on prostate in preclinical models (hence it being a genuine SARM).

While the research (albeit limited) is promising, there are no clinical studies on human subjects; consequently any conclusions or theories we develop around the compound have to be taken with a grain of salt.

How Strong Is ACP-105?

To get a clear representation of just how strong of an effect this SARM has, each research subject undergoes ORX-induced atrophy (an orchiectomy), which is a surgical procedure in which one or both testicles are removed.

This is the surgical form of castration.

The point of this is that once the ACP-105 is administered to the research subjects, you can calculate an exact figure that defines how anabolic and androgenic a compound is, based on the fact that there are no longer endogenous hormones skewing the results, and the research subject is essentially functioning from a baseline reading of 0 on all accounts.

1mg/kg per day was given to the research subjects, and that resulted in a very blatant anabolic effect.

The extent of this anabolic effect is measured in what % of hypertrophy occurs relative to the baseline that DHT would otherwise achieve had the research subject not undergone ORX-induced atrophy.

The % of anabolic activity was determined to be 67%, with only 21% reversal of the prostate gland (which is used to measure androgenic activity).

From this we can conclude that this SARM has an anabolic:androgenic rating/ratio of 3.19:1

There are several SARMs that have anabolic:androgenic ratios of 3:1 and up though, so this is fairly typical.

While we can vaguely gather what we can expect from this compound (the comparisons that come to mind are Ostarine and S4), without knowing the binding affinity of the compound we can essentially only make shot in the dark guesses.

We do know what kind of interaction ACP-105 has with the androgen receptor though, which helps shed light on things a bit more.

Based on the information that was available, we know that ACP-105 is a partial agonist.

Full agonists induce greater levels of suppression, but are more potent (based on the information presented).

Partial agonists on the other hand, are less suppressive, but are typically weaker relative to Testosterone and DHT, which is the case with ACP-105.

A fairly low concentration of ACP-105 attaches to the androgen receptor better than DHT does, and is blatantly weaker than Testosterone and DHT in general.

In one sense, this is a disappointment as we are all awaiting the release of the end all be all SARM that is only exerts minor suppression, has minimal/zero androgenic side effects, and can rival or beat Testosterone in overall anabolic activity.

This is asking a lot though, and it would be more useful to simply compare ACP-105 to the other most promising mainstream SARMs to determine if it has a place in a researchers up and coming test protocols.

ACP-105 Effect On Speed, Endurance, Balance, Strength, And Motor Coordination

One study in particular assessed the effects of the SARM ACP-105 on rotorod performance, which is essentially a performance test used to assess speed, endurance, balance, strength and motor coordination.

Now, the study also involved exposure to radiation and was actually intended to see if mice that were administered ACP-105 would undergo the same degradation of rotorod performance as mice that weren’t on the SARM.

The findings revealed that ACP-105 may offer protection against the effects of radiation, which is great and all, but the key thing to pull from this study is that ACP-105 was the main factor that offset the degradation of rotorod performance, hence we can assume that ACP-105 treatment might contribute to overall increased speed, endurance, balance, strength and/or motor coordination.

How Suppressive Is ACP-105?

ACP-105 is a partial agonist; meanwhile LGD-4033 is a full agonist (using this comparison as LGD-4033 has a lot of supporting data to compare to).

Full agonists induce greater levels of suppression, but are more potent (based on the information presented).

With ACP-105 in particular, being a partial agonist it would result in less suppression, although it will also likely be weaker than LGD-4033 on a mg:mg comparison.

Raising the dose could make it formidable to heavy hitters like LGD-4033, but referring back to the anabolic:androgenic rating of ACP-105 (3.19:1), we can assume that the higher the dose, the greater the chance of suppression and androgenic side effects.

This may still be minimal though, even at higher dosages, as ACP-105 appears to have a much less significant effect on prostate size than Testosterone and DHT.

Based on the data provided, we can assume that a higher dose of ACP-105 may yield effects formidable to that of Testosterone, with a very minimal presence of negative androgenic side effects.

So, perhaps there is a threshold dosage where one could achieve a stronger anabolic effect than something like S4 or maybe even LGD-4033 but with less suppression, but this remains to be seen as more data emerges.


The studies done on ACP-105 suggest that the human equivalent for the study using 1 mg/kg per day for a man weighing about 175 pounds would be about 11 mg per day.

Obviously equating this to some efficacious dosage where there would be minimal/no side effects for human use is impossible to do without some sort of experimentation being done, and as of now there are no clinical trials done on humans.

The consensus seems to suggest that a reasonable starting dosage is around 11-12mg per day for human research trials.

Does ACP-105 Require PCT?

Anything that suppresses your natural endocrine function may warrant PCT.


This SARM seems like it may be formidable to some of the less suppressive/still effective mainstream SARMs (like Ostarine) from the data we have gathered, but the main appeal of it is that there should be significantly less androgenic activity than several of the stronger SARMs, hence less undesirable side effects.

Clinical and Academic Studies From Which This Information Was Interpreted:


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