My Hitachi Magic Wand Review
This Magic Wand review is positive to be frank, very very positive.
You could blind buy this vibrator without even reading this article and you would not be disappointed.
With that being said, every girl is different and has different sexual preferences.
Some things that make one girl go over the moon with pleasure could leave another girl yawning.
However, there is one sure fire way to send 99.9% of women into a state of delirious pleasure, and more than likely give them the most intense “O” they have ever experienced in their entire lives.
That Sure Fire Way Is “The Hitachi Magic Wand”
Obviously there are various techniques you can use yourself, but in this article I'm going to delve into this device in particular as I have found it to be extraordinary in its' ability to deliver amazing levels of pleasure to your lucky lady.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that even women who have never experienced an orgasm before in their lives will probably still get off from the Magic Wand.
What Is “The Hitachi Magic Wand?”
It commonly goes by a few names.
These include “Magic Wand,” “Hitachi Magic Wand,” “The Magic Wand Original,” and “Magic Wand®”.
The Magic Wand was originally created as a body massager, and it worked great to work out the knots and kinks in the body.
Eventually, its’ “uses” evolved to a point where it is now almost exclusively known as a sex toy.
It is unparalleled in its’ ability to bring on near-instant arousal and consistent, multiple orgasms to whichever lucky lady is using it.
It has two speeds, a low and a high setting (5,000 and 6,000 vibrations per minute, respectively), allowing for customization over the intensity.
Those who are more sensitive will typically be most comfortable using the low setting.
It is definitely not a coincidence that in most adult films where the woman is trying to get off and there is a toy involved; 9/10 times the toy is the Magic Wand.
Needless to say it is the only vibrator you will ever need to use with your girl, and if she has one already, this one will blow it away.
If You Just Came Here To Buy A Hitachi Magic Wand:
You can use the following priority links to order from one of the only official “Original Magic Wand” distributors in the world:
For customers in the USA buy your Magic Wand here: (free shipping will automatically be applied to your order when you use this order link)
For customers in Canada buy your Magic Wand here: (free shipping will automatically be applied to your order when you use this order link)
For International customers buy your Magic Wand here: (free shipping will be applied to your order when you use the following code “59SHIP” at checkout)
There are many fakes and imitations being sold all over the internet, but be aware that there are only a few legitimate Magic Wand vendors online. The approved distributor I used for mine is linked above.
Real Hitachi Magic Wand Reviews (There Are Literally Hundreds You Can Easily Find Online)
I literally pulled these reviews all in a matter of 30 seconds off of the distributor reviews page.
That's how many over the top positive ones there are.
There are hundreds of Hitachi Magic Wand reviews online, and I compel you to check for yourself just how positive the feedback is on this device.
What Can You And Your Special Lady Expect From The Magic Wand?
Without delving into too much graphic detail, you can expect to give your girl one of the most intensely pleasurable experiences of her life.
I’m actually quite surprised how few women have actually heard of this thing, and I’m positive if they all knew what this device was capable of, they would all own one themselves.
All the reasons why a vibrator is pleasurable for a woman are applicable for the Magic Wand, except they are exponentially magnified to catastrophic proportions.
That is the best way I can describe just how powerful this device is.
The Original Magic Wand Vs. The Magic Wand Rechargeable
There are two legitimate Magic Wand products available now, one being “The Original Magic Wand” and the other being “The Magic Wand Rechargeable”.
The only difference between the two is that one plugs into the wall, and the rechargeable one operates off of a battery so it doesn’t need to be plugged in to use.
However, the rechargeable model is about 2x as expensive as the plug in model.
My suggestion is to not even think about it and go with the plug in model.
It is far cheaper, it doesn’t require charging consistently, and the cord that plugs into the wall is actually long enough that it not reaching where you need it to is typically not an issue (the cord is 6 feet long).
The Hitachi Magic Wand Vs. Other Vibrators
Comparing the Magic Wand to other vibrators is like comparing a Lamborghini to a Honda.
There is no comparison.
The Magic Wand was actually originally marketed as a body massager, used to work out knots and kinks in different muscle groups.
It wasn’t until users started to be a bit adventurous with their use of this device that it became known that it was essentially a plug in pleasure machine.
Comparing it to other vibrators would be pointless as this literally stands in a class of its’ own in power and performance.
That cheap looking plastic vibrator at your local grocery store, or even the “top of the line” vibrators at your local sex shop will literally pale in comparison to the Magic Wand.
1 Year Warranty
When you buy a Magic Wand Original from a legitimate distributor, you will automatically be eligible for a 1-year warranty.
This is only applicable for legitimate vendors of the Magic Wand though, so if you buy a cheap knockoff and it breaks, you will not be able to get your Wand replaced free of charge, or be covered by the warranty at all.
Fake Magic Wand Sellers
There are hordes of websites and retailers selling brand name imitations and knockoff products, and naturally, the best will always be imitated.
This has led to a large influx of fake Magic Wand products into the sex toy industry.
Especially on places like Amazon and Ebay.
While it may seem overwhelming figuring out if the retailer you’re using is selling an official product or not, do yourself a favour and simply order straight from one of the few legitimate vendors.
Where To Buy A Legitimate Magic Wand
There are only a handful of legitimate official “Magic Wand Original” vendors in the world, and I have linked the one I personally used below: has the best deal on the Original Magic Wand for customers living in the USA. Free shipping will automatically be applied to your order when you use the following More Plates More Dates order link: ORDER HERE has the best deal on the Original Magic Wand for customers living in Canada. Free shipping will automatically be applied to your order when you use the following More Plates More Dates order link: ORDER HERE has the best deal on the Original Magic Wand for International customers. Free shipping will be applied to your order when you use the following code “59SHIP” at checkout. You can order via the More Plates More Dates order link here: ORDER HERE
By using any of these links, you are ensuring you are getting a 100% authentic Magic Wand product, straight from an approved seller.
Don’t risk getting a fake product just because you saw a cheaper price somewhere else.
If it looks to good to be true and is cheaper than most sellers, it is probably a fake.
Magic Wand Discreet Packaging
I know the first concern many guys have who live with their family ordering these devices is wondering if a box will show up with sex-related images plastered all over it.
Ease your mind; your sexual activities will remain a secret as the box it shows up in is packaged very discreetly without any images or text that could suggest the contents.
Even the shipping documents and the invoice in the packaging are discreet.
In Conclusion
This article was simply a very general overview of this amazing device, and there is a lot that could be said about this product.
For now though, checkout the Magic Wand, I think you will find that it speaks for itself, and if you have any questions feel free to drop a comment below.