Can A Chiropractor Fix A Deviated Septum? | Mewing Update | ENT Doctor’s Opinion

Can a Chiropractor Fix a Deviated Septum? | ENT Doctor’s Opinion

Can a Chiropractor fix a deviated septum?

Some of my followers told me not to get deviated septum surgery and to seek out a Chiropractor instead.

Supposedly, they can just snap your nose back into place, and you can avert having to go through surgery entirely.

This seemed a bit farfetched to me, so I asked for my ear nose and throat doctor's opinion on the matter.

As some of you may or may not know, I've been dealing with a deviated septum for the majority of my life.

In addition to inflamed turbinates, my septal deviation just compounds my airway inhibition, and prevents me from breathing through my nose easily.

A deviated septum is a condition where the tissue that separates both the left and right airways of the nose is off-center.

This means that, instead of straight, the septum itself is bent towards either left or right, which can inhibit the otherwise smooth airflow through the nose.

In my case, I have been encountering nearly 100% airway inhibition in one nostril or the other nearly all day long, and this inhibition seems to switch sides every few hours.

The cause of this I have since discovered is the inflammation of my turbinates, which is the root of the majority of my issue.

I asked my ENT about my options for fixing my deviated septum.

I already knew about the surgery route, but I also asked “can a chiropractor fix a deviated septum”?

If so, it would avert the need for an invasive procedure like septal surgery.

Basically, the idea of putting the treatment in the hands of a chiropractor instead of an ENT originally derives from those who believe that this anatomical disorder can be fixed through mere re-aligning of the bones in the nose.

My ENT doctor was straight to the point in saying that, for a case that is not necessarily bone-related, a treatment for a deviated septum is most often—if not always—a subject for surgery.

Not wanting to leave any confusion, he outlined how bones work; and how a chiropractic approach would relate to its mechanics.

The ENT detailed how a condition involving a deviated septum is not treated with just the re-fracturing of the bones within the nose itself.

The nasal passage is also comprised of Cartilage.

Cartilage is not something you can fracture and straighten like with bones, hence why a Chiropractor, in almost all cases, would not be able to correct a deviated septum.


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After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too.


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