opened box of Aspen Sustanon 250 and graph of different applications

Sustanon TRT Prescription For Only ONE Injection Every THREE WEEKS In Europe!?

One of my buddies online Steven, sent me a pamphlet for a European Sustanon prescription.

The most baffling thing about this pamphlet is the advised injection frequency at which this Sustanon is prescribed in Europe.

I do consultations over Skype through, and I'm shocked at how often I'll hear from guys who are prescribed TRT and their doctor has them injecting as infrequently as once every two weeks.

There is no situation in which one shot every two weeks will result in stable blood serum concentrations.

Even if you're using a long ester like Enanthate or Cypionate.

Blood Serum Concentrations Of Micro-Dosed Testosterone Vs. Bolus Dose Of Testosterone

This is what blood serum concentrations of Testosterone, DHT and Estrogen look like after a small dose of Testosterone, relative to a bolus dose of Testosterone (e.g. taking your weekly TRT dosage in one fat shot).

testosterone blood serum concentrations

You can clearly see how a sensical physiological dose of Testosterone results in hormone levels staying within the healthy therapeutic range, whereas with the large bolus dose of Testosterone, hormone levels skyrocket into supraphysiological territory, and then crash down until the patient's next injection.

This is what happens when you use infrequent injections of Testosterone.

And the more infrequent you administer, the more of a dramatic spike into unhealthy territory you launch yourself into, and the harsher of a crash you experience on the downswing.

The result of this is far more aromatization than necessary which will likely lead to the unnecessary abuse of unhealthy Aromatase Inhibitors, less Free Testosterone and more Testosterone being bound up and rendered useless, as well as stark highs and lows with the potential for experiencing side effects that come both from high testosterone levels out of range, and hypogonadal symptoms on the downswing.

Any large fluctuation in hormones can cause temporary shedding as well until stable levels have been reached.

There's a lot of negatives associated with not having stable levels, and no positives to be frank.

Most people are going to trust their doctor because that's what we've been led to believe is the correct thing to do in society.

They're doctors, why would you question their judgments here, right?

Trust me, you need to research this stuff yourself so you know what is going on with your body.

Sustanon is a blend of the following concentrations of Testosterone esters per mL:

  • 30 mg testosterone propionate
  • 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
  • 60 mg testosterone isocaproate
  • 100 mg testosterone decanoate

Even if I was using Sustanon, I would still be injecting it every day, or every other day at minimum for stable blood serum concentrations.

Sustanon 250 Pamphlet

The pamphlet Steven sent me outlines the standard information you would find in a prescription insert.

The advised administration frequency I found so absurd that an entire article was warranted.

This official pamphlet for Sustanon-250 advises that the standard frequency of administration is one bolus dose every three weeks.

Sustanon Prescription In Europe Advised Injection Frequency

Basically, what would happen after that large shot is your Testosterone, Estrogen and DHT would spike into supraphysiological/unhealthily high territory, and then over the next couple weeks you would just crash into the ground, only to spike them back up at the three week mark again.

Does this sound like a healthy way to live?

Naturally, you would secrete 3-10 mg per day of Testosterone.

Your body is not built to handle 3 weeks worth of Testosterone in one giant influx.

I couldn't believe this is an approved way of administering hormone replacement.

Of course, if you questioned the injection frequency to the prescribing physician, you would likely get scolded and be talked down to like you're an idiot for even bringing up the fact that they could be basing their prescriptions on dangerous and poor information.

They're the smart doctor, and you're just an idiot for questioning and not trusting them.

Sadly, this is very common, especially in this ever-evolving field of hormone replacement therapy where the doctors often don't even understand the difference between total T, free T, DHT, and how to manage Estradiol.

Doctors Prescribing 1 mg Of Arimidex a Day

I've had several people tell me about this, too.

Their doctor prescribes one milligram of Arimidex every day for TRT dosages of Testosterone.

I would use a milligram of Arimidex every day if I was on a gram of Test, not TRT.

Unfortunately, many men prescribed this don't know actually know what the Arimidex is for because the doctor just doesn't explain it properly, or probably doesn't even understand it themselves to begin with.

Just because you're on Testosterone, it doesn't mean you need an AI.

If you think about it logically, the point of TRT is to replace what you produced naturally.

Do most men need AI's to handle the amount of aromatization their body naturally has as a result of the Testosterone their balls naturally produce?


Perhaps it could be the massive three weeks worth of Testosterone being administered in one mega dose that is causing this massive spike in Estrogen that would result in levels so high that an AI is warranted in the first place!?

Hmm… I wonder… (I'm getting pissed just writing this).

If you take a guy with therapeutic levels of Testosterone in his body and make him take 1 mg of Arimidex every day, unless he has a polymorphism in his genome that results in an absurdly high amount of aromatization (extremely rare), his Estrogen would plummet into the ground.

Consequently, he'd feel terrible, have dry joints, no libido, erectile dysfunction, experience bone degradation, have hindered fat loss and overall body composition, among numerous other factors that stem from low Estrogen levels.

Even after starting TRT to address their hypogonadal symptoms that made them feel like crap to begin with, they would feel even worse because their hormone profile would be even more screwed up than it was before treatment began.

Not to mention AI's are horrible for your lipids and the long-term use of them will almost inevitably hinder your health in some capacity.

I can't believe in the modern day with all this information around, the medical system is still so far behind.

Do Your Own Research

If you're looking into TRT or you're on TRT, I strongly advise you learn how this stuff works thoroughly yourself.

In addition, find a progressive and open minded doctor who is up to date on the newest research and isn't prescribing medication based on what they have been taught to regurgitate 20+ years ago.

Obviously this is all easier said than done, but at the end of the day, this is your health and well-being at stake, and putting the time in to figure this out if you are on TRT is well worth the time investment.

It's not always the worst thing to research what your doctor is telling you before you just jump into it and assume it's correct.

Occasionally, you may even save yourself from potential health ramifications.


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After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too.


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