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My Phenibut Review – What You Can Expect And What It Feels Like

With over 7 years of experience, I can confidently say that Phenibut is bar none the greatest pro-social supplement ever created.

Most Phenibut reviews online are written by affiliate marketers who just want you to use their link to buy Phenibut, but have ZERO real world experience with it in anxiety spiking social situations.

If you aren't one of the few men who actually has a sh*t ton of real world experience and a set of balls to go out there and experiment with Phenibut in high pressure situations like first dates, cold approach, job interviews and business presentations, your Phenibut review is useless in my opinion.

To be clear, Phenibut is not something you should use to get high or feel happy, this is a tool you should strategically reserve for social situations that make you anxious.

My experience ranges from micro-dosing Phenibut all the way to falling asleep in a club with a girl on my arm with over 5 grams of Phenibut in my system (p.s. once you induce Phenibut zombie sleep you're not going to recover and be able to finish the job with any girl that night, you're going to be borderline KO'd for hours).

Simply put, I highly f*cking doubt that anyone writing a review has more experience with this compound than I do, and I want to illuminate for you EXACTLY what you can expect from it, how to use it effectively, how to assess your tolerance, how to cycle it, what it feels like, side effects, dosages, and everything in between.

Without further adieu, let's begin.

My Phenibut Review

For some individuals, Phenibut can literally completely destroy your social inhibitions just like alcohol would, all without the sloppy loss of motor skills and other negative side effects that come from a night of drinking.

It's a pretty remarkable supplement to say the least, and it has been a huge part of my life (especially my dating life) for the past 7 years.

Phenibut Benefits

– Kills social anxiety as well as general anxiety

– Increases social freedom and the desire to socialize

– Decreases stress

– Can drastically improve your mood

– Produces slight to moderate euphoria

– Increases sense of well-being

– Increases levels of relaxation

– Increases levels of focus and motivation

– Enhances cognitive function

– Music sounds amazing on Phenibut

– Very deep levels of sleep (Phenibut can act as a very potent sleep aid at a high enough dose)

– No loss of motor function like with alcohol

– Improved sexual performance and increased libido (women especially)

I have been personally using Phenibut for years now (since 2012) and it has been a HUGE help in allowing me to bust through social plateaus, build an amazing dating/sex life, kill it in job interviews and nerve wracking business presentations, among countless other benefits.

Young man climbs down rocks with attractive young woman

Being able to curb my anxiety in high pressure situations like job interviews, hitting on gorgeous 10/10 women at the drop of a hat no matter where I was (even if they were complete strangers), and just feeling amazing in general helped me achieve my goals in a much more timely manner, and ultimately helped me build the amazing social circles and sex life that I knew I wanted.

I'm not saying I attribute all of those things to Phenibut, but it certainly helped me get to that point quicker and easier.

Don't Be That Guy Who Has To Chug A Half Litre of Vodka Just To Have The Balls To Hit On Beautiful Women

There is a reason that when 99% of guys want to get laid, they go to one place and one place only.

The bar or club.

Why is this such a common phenomena?

It’s because it is the only environment where it is socially acceptable to get completely inebriated drunk, and getting absolutely devastated out of their minds is the only way the majority of men are capable of mustering up the balls to go up to gorgeous women attempting to get laid.

Phenibut For Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a prevalent issue, and seems to affect a greater proportion of men at an alarming growth rate year after year.

Unfortunately, it seems to plague men the most due to societal conformity and their tendency to find comfort in not putting themselves in uncomfortable situations.

While I’m all for using all the crutches you can at your disposal to make your social life more eventful, I personally can’t stand alcohol because of how absurdly sloppy it makes men when they are under the influence.

What’s the point of having your social inhibitions lowered if you are stumbling around, can barely form a coherent sentence, are drooling while you’re talking, and can’t even get it up (get an erection).

The reason Phenibut excels in a social setting so much is that it is one of the few compounds that can replicate the same loosening up effect of alcohol without the loss of motor skills or sloppy disorientation.

What Does Phenibut Feel Like?

A sense of calm, cool collectedness will overcome you, and situations which would typically have your nerves flying through the roof will suddenly seem like not a big deal.

The effects of Phenibut are subtle, but powerful.

You will not feel high, so don't expect that.

It is almost like a background effect, and other than having a generally better mood, you may not notice the benefits it truly is capable of providing until you put yourself in a situation that would spike your anxiety or stress levels.

I notice its’ benefits most myself when I’m going to job interviews, hitting on women, and doing high pressure business presentations.

Man giving business presentation

In these situations my anxiety and stress would typically be higher than average, and on Phenibut it is SO INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS how curbed these emotions are when I’m immersed in a high-pressure situation.

Something that would otherwise seem like a colossal challenge can be a walk in the park on Phenibut.

How To Use Phenibut

Phenibut is generally taken via ingesting pure Phenibut powder.

You can measure it using a scale or a measuring spoon.

I literally just throw it into my mouth, chase it with some water, and then swallow it.

It can also be mixed into a drink or encapsulated if you can't handle the taste.

If you mix it in a drink, choose a calorie free drink like diet pop, black coffee, tea, etc.

Many users highly recommend mixing Phenibut with caffeine or another stimulant. 80 – 160 mg of caffeine is the preferred amount.

This caffeine needs to come from a calorie free source though or else you will inhibit the effects of the Phenibut instead of make them more potent which is the goal.

A couple of my go to zero calorie stimulant sources are caffeine pills, diet energy drinks, and black coffee.

This is the dosing protocol I followed when I started Phenibut in 2012, and is the same protocol I recommend for all newbies:

Take 1000 mg of Phenibut on a totally empty stomach in the morning upon waking (1500 mg if you weigh more than 210 pounds). Women should start with 500-1000 mg.

Take 80-160 mg of caffeine from a zero calorie source immediately after taking your Phenibut.

After 45-60 minutes you can eat something if you want.

After 90-120 minutes of dosing it evaluate how you feel.

Phenibut can take long to start working in some cases, sometimes 4-5 hours.

However it usually will produce noticeable effects in about 2 hours or sooner.

If you feel nothing after 2 hours, take another 500 – 1000 mg dose.

5 hours after your initial dose, re-evaluate how you feel again (and based on your plans for the rest of the day, night) consider taking 500-1000 mg more.

Exceeding 4000 mg in a day will find you creeping closer to Phenibut induced zombie sleep, and once you exceed that dose and start venturing into 5000-6000 mg territory you will more than likely become an incapacitated sleeping rock for the remainder of the day.

Phenibut can be used as an acute potent sleep aid (infrequently) at higher doses, hence why dosing Phenibut anywhere past 4000 mg per day will start to put you less into a pro-social mindset, and more into a tired and want to crash with the deepest sleep you’ve ever had mindset.

Do not take Phenibut more than 2 days per week, as your body will start growing a tolerance towards it.

How Does Phenibut Work?

Phenibut is a GABA analogue which can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier and bind to the GABA receptors in the brain, unlike GABA itself which cannot.

Once it has passed through the blood-brain barrier, Phenibut works by binding to the “GABA-B” receptors in the brain, in turn producing a variety of it’s own specific benefits (as outlined at the beginning of this article).

You will notice if you look into other compounds that bind to the GABA receptors that they all produce similar effects to one another.

This is what makes Phenibut provide benefits so similar (and arguably better) to many drugs that are prescribed for anxiety.

Phenibut is so effective at reducing anxiety that many users report that they actually like it MORE than prescription drugs designed for anxiety!

Using Caffeine With Phenibut

Stimulants like caffeine tend to greatly potentiate the effects of Phenibut.

Phenibut can also cause sleepiness at moderate doses.

Because of this, it is recommended that you take some caffeine alongside your Phenibut dose (unless you are using it as a sleep aid obviously).

The amount of caffeine you ingest with it should be equivalent to 1-1.5 cups of coffee (100-150mg).

Make sure the caffeine source you have doesn’t contain any calories though or else then you are no longer taking Phenibut on an empty stomach.

Phenibut Side Effects

I believe that Phenibut is a fairly low-risk compound if a safe dosing protocol is followed and it isn't used too often.

If you use it several days per week, you may start to develop a dependency on it, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms upon the cessation of its use.

These are extremely unpleasant, and is why I urge you to only use Phenibut a couple times a week ideally.

Do not operate drive or operate machinery after taking Phenibut, as your motor skills may be slightly impaired.

As mentioned earlier, in higher dosages (and low-moderate dosages for high-sensitivity individuals) Phenibut is a very potent sleep aid, so keep that in mind.

There can be mild hangover-like symptoms (similar to an alcohol hangover but far less intense) in some very high-sensitivity individuals as well.

Another very notable side effect is how much the effects of Alcohol are potentiated while Phenibut is in your system.

Alcohol Will Hit You Much Harder If You Are On Phenibut

Alcohol and Phenibut both affect the same GABA receptors in your brain, and as a result, they compound each other’s effects substantially when taken together.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that drinking 4 beers will feel like you just drank 6-8 beers while on Phenibut.

While some may feel this is advantageous, absolutely under no circumstances drive or operate any kind of vehicle with both Phenibut and alcohol in your system.

This past summer I was downtown with a new girl I was seeing who had asked to try some of my Phenibut for a night out.

She didn’t take my warning about alcohol with Phenibut too seriously, and by the end of the night this girl was literally a drunk disaster.

Just hammered out of her mind, off of maybe 4 shots of tequila.

The compounding effect of Phenibut and alcohol concurrently can be a shock to some, but it needs to be taken seriously and extreme caution must be taken if you intend to combine them.

Personally, I avoid alcohol for social anxiety purposes entirely, regardless if I'm using Phenibut or not, because it is just a subpar drug and the benefits don't make up for the massive drawbacks it has.

What Kind Of Social Situations Is Phenibut Ideal For?

Anytime you want a boost in social freedom, mood, stress relief, etc. Phenibut is perfect.

I find it excels most in situations like stressful job interviews, dates, and business presentations, but it can literally be used at any time to greatly enhance your social freedom.

In Conclusion

Phenibut has multiple uses, and it definitely is a powerful supplement and can have a hugely positive impact on your life if you respect the compound and dose it responsibly.

Stick to the recommended dosing guidelines, and you will experience only the positives that Phenibut has to offer and have a fantastic new tool at your disposal.


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After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too.


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