IFBB Pros in the 90s featuring Dennis Newman, Chris Cormier, Aaron Baker, Paul Dillet, Lee Priest, Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates

The Highest Steroid Dosages Used By 7 Top IFBB Pros In The 90s

Something every aspiring bodybuilder wants to know is what drugs and dosages the top IFBB pros at the Olympia are using.

This article is going to quickly break down the biggest steroid cycles used by 7 top tier IFBB pros in the 90s.

6 of the cycles were outlined in anonymous interviews with 6 of the men when they were asked by Tom Platz to detail their performance enhancing drug use.

For a comprehensive deep dive into those interviews with a full transcript and my commentary, you can check them out with the links below.

Dorian Yates is the 7th bodybuilder who candidly detailed his past steroid use in several transparent interviews.

The interview in particular that I used as my reference point where he outlined his biggest steroid cycle ever was the Joe Rogan podcast episode Dorian was on.

Dorian also outlined what his typical drug use was like in an interview with Muscular Development a couple years ago.

Let's start with Dorian Yates' biggest steroid cycle.

Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates stated he used more drugs in his offseason as opposed to pre-contest.

He concluded that it made the most sense to use the most drugs when he's trying in a calorie surplus trying to gain muscle.

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Dorian Yates' steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

  • Testosterone – 1000 mg per week
  • Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate) – 500 mg per week
  • Dianabol (Dbol) – 40 to 50 mg per day
  • GH – 2 to 4 IU per day

As far as insulin, Dorian claimed insulin was part of his protocol later in his career.

However, he saw the effects it had on his body composition as a net negative, as he sacrificed dry grainy detail in the muscle for a smoother more bloated look that came with the size gained with insulin.

Ronnie Coleman

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Ronnie Coleman's steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

  • Testex (concentration of 250 mg/mL) – 750 mg per week split into one 250 mg injection three times per week
  • Primobolan (concentration of 100 mg/mL) – 300 mg per week split into one 100 mg injection three times per week
  • Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) – 200 mg per week (unclear if he used more than 200 mg per week or not)
  • Testosterone Heptylate (concentration of 250 mg/mL) – 500 mg per week split into one 250 mg injection twice per week
  • Primobolan, Dbol or Anadrol tablets – Roughly 25-100 mg per day depending on the oral steroid chosen
  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – 4 IU per day
  • Humulin R Insulin – 30 IU split into two 15 IU injections only for the carb up phase before a competition

Lee Priest

This is the one that everyone thinks is bullshit because of how conservative his usage was.

Notably, Lee Priest was one of the only top IFBB pros in the 90s (if not the only) to do a completely transparent interview during the prime of his career where the video could severely impact his placements.

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Lee Priest's steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

  • Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) – 200 mg per week split into two 100 mg injections every three days
  • Primobolan – 200 mg per week
  • Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) – 200 mg per week
  • Anadrol tablets – 50 mg per day
  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – 2 IU per day

Paul Dillet

Paul's was a lot more detailed.

He had offseason dosages, contest prep dosages, and he even laid out his diet macros which was really interesting.

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Paul Dillet's steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

Offseason Cycle

  • Testosterone Cypionate – 400-600 mg per week
  • Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) – 400-600 mg per week
  • Anadrol – 50-100 mg per day

Contest Prep Cycle

  • Testosterone Propionate – 500-600 mg per week
  • Primobolan – 500-600 mg per week
  • Anadrol – 50-100 mg per day
  • GH (growth hormone) – 9 IUs per day
  • Proviron – 4-5 pills per day
  • Cytomel – Titrating up to 100 mcg per day

Paul Dillet's Macros Pre-contest

  • Calories – 4000 calories per day
  • Protein – 450-600 grams per day
  • Carbs – 100-200 grams per day
  • Fats – 75-100 grams per day

Aaron Baker

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Aaron Baker's steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

  • Testosterone Cypionate – 400 mg per week
  • Primobolan – 100-200 mg per week
  • Anadrol – 50 mg per day
  • Parabolan – Dosage was not specified
  • Winstrol, Dianabol, Anavar, Halotestin – Reserved for specific phases pre-contest or during mass gaining phases. Dosages were not specified.
  • Growth Hormone – 2 IUs/day, every other day, for 10-12 weeks, pre-contest only
  • Insulin – 10 IUs administered twice a day, pre-contest only

Dennis Newman

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Dennis Newman's steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

  • Testosterone Cypionate – 200 mg twice a week = 400 mg/week
  • Sustanon – 250 mg twice a week = 500 mg/week
  • Testosterone Enanthate – 200 mg twice a week = 400 mg/week
  • Anavar – 25-30 mg a day
  • Parabolan – Two 76 mg Parabolan amps per week = 152 mg/week
  • Primobolan – 1 shot every 3 days = 200 mg/week
  • Winstrol – 50 mg a day = 350 mg/week
  • Halotestin – Used pre-contest, the dosage was not disclosed. My educated guess is that he probably used between 20-40 mg per day for the last 2-3 weeks of his contest prep.
  • Growth Hormone – Tried it twice with a dosage as high as 4 IU per day
  • Insulin – Tried a couple IU as an experiment but didn't want to increase the dosage

Keep in mind, Dennis Newman had a very short-lived career, and this may not be indicative of what he would have gone on to use had his career not been cut short.

Chris Cormier

After listening to the entire interview, at the peak of Chris Cormier's steroid cycle dosages pre-contest, he claims his use broke down to the following:

  • Equipoise – 300 mg/week
  • Primobolan – 400 mg/week
  • Growth Hormone – 4-9IUs/day
  • Testosterone – 800 mg/week
  • Winstrol – 300 to 450 mg/week
  • Halotestin – 30 to 40mg/day
  • Insulin – Three or four doses of 12 to 15 IUs/day
  • Teslac – 50 to 200 mg/day

Final Word

If you want to hear my thoughts and commentary on each of the cycles above, check out the respective video for the bodybuilder you are interested in.

At the end of the day, take these cycles with a grain of salt and form your own conclusions.

Yes, they could be lying, which is what most automatically assume when they see a top pro outline what is generally considered “moderate” dosages.

But they also might not be.

Personally, I think the interviews were truthful, perhaps with a couple exceptions with guys who didn't want to implicate themselves with certain scenarios that would have resulted in being able to easily identify them (e.g. Paul Dillet with the diuretics discussion).

There you have it: 7 top IFBB Pros in the 90s and their respective cycles.


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After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too.


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